Saturday, 19 May 2012

All quiet on the south-western Front

It is Saturday, and all is quiet on the south-western front. John and Dawn from Haunted Skies are due soon but in the meantime:

It is one of Graham’s weekly days off, so he is ensconced in his room upstairs. Meanwhile, Prudence is in the sitting room, stretched on the sofa, asleep and snoring, whilst both Jon and Richard are asleep in the chairs, heads lolling back, with mouths open thereby causing any wayward fly, spider - or other microscopic creature that may stroll by in an unsuspecting manner - to get sucked in with a – thankfully - quiet intake of breath.

The cats by the way are also asleep, one curled up on Jon’s lap and the other on the back of Richard’s chair.

My oh my, how the CFZ lives it up at the weekend.

It has left me wondering whether now is the time to start practising my new hobby. I reckon a quick stroll around the ground floor and up the stairs kitted out in my ‘one-man band’ (or is that ‘one-person band’ these days?) gear may go down really well with the other residents of Myrtle Cottage. Bring on that big bass drum.......

On the other hand, I guess I could just join everyone else and quietly snooze.

Whilst I ponder the imponderables, I shall leave you with a picture I took the other night of Mog (at the back) Mrs Miggins (in the middle)and Micawber (in the front). Cane toads are magnificent.

Well that has torn it .... my musical plans have been thwarted. Spider, the orange cat, has just woken everyone up by threatening to cough up a fur ball. Well, not quite true....he woke up Jon, who then woke up everyone else by shouting loudly about the cat threatening to cough up a fur ball.

No worries. All gone back to la-la land again.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

'appy Burfday to my Big Bruvver

 Birthday hugs and kisses,

Have a jolly good day

It is amazing what you find when you click on 'images of ants' on your computer: