Wednesday 19 September 2007

My money not good enough eh?

Well, no work today – or rather not much to speak of at any rate. I have managed to sort out some book orders and a couple of personal things, but other than that not a lot. After receiving a letter from Natwest this morning to say that they couldn’t, after all accept me into the bosom of their family, I telephoned them to enquire why a) they had sent the letter to my old address (thank goodness I still have a redirection service) even though the confirmation letter they had sent me last week to welcome me with open, greedy, arms had come to the correct one and b) why they were now tossing me out with the vegetable peelings. I was expecting some tale about the fact that I was not on the electoral roll due my recent move and, therefore, didn’t exist so I was somewhat surprised when I was told that they could not give me a reason. I was even more astounded when they informed me, quite casually, that, in fact, Jon’s account was also cancelled. The rest, as you will read on Jon’s blog, is history.

Perhaps now people will begin to accept that I am quite well founded in following the practice of pessimism. I never look on the bright side of life – sorry Mr. Idle – past experiences have long since thrashed that out of me. In the last few years I have suffered my own divorce, a relationship with a sadistic madman (er .. not Jon .. he’s just mad), a couple of family medical scares, Jon’s father’s death, my parents’ divorce (and related repercussions which you wouldn’t believe even if I told you), selling and moving house, am in the throes of the menopause, had a near-fatal car crash and now this. Hopefully this is, at last, the icing on the cake – unless the cherry is still to come that is.



Jon Downes said...

I wrote something incredibly stupid on my blog. I said something to the effect that I couldn't handle anymore crap thrown at us by the universe. That was a stupid thing to say, because as long as I have you by my side I can handle anything, and achieve everything.....

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy who keeps commenting on my blog? Does anybody know him? :oD