Friday, 15 August 2008

Sic infit

Yesterday saw the arrival Dr. Gail-Nina Anderson, the first of our speakers to arrive this year. Graham went off to Exeter Airport to collect her and incorporated this trip with the collection of the cakes for the children’s tea-party, and the cash float.

Now Thursday has arrived and brings with it the looming pressure of ‘no more time’. The marquee and gazebo will be re-erected this morning and by this afternoon it will hopefully be ready for Olivia to set up and decorate her ‘cocktail bar’, and for David and his mate Chris to sort out their music deck.

We will also see the arrival of some more guests, including Ronan Coghlan, who is making is annual trip over to the weekend from Ireland. Today is the day, also, that the dining room has to be cleared to make room for those who are sleeping on the floor and for the possible eventuality of having to hold the cocktail party inside if the heavens open up again tonight. The weather forecast has informed us that we should be ok – but I am not convinced we can trust Mr. Weather these days. Oh yes, it’s male – it has to be! Jon will be proud of me for managing to get a sexist comment in at least one of my Weird Weekend blogs.

The handover from Wednesday to Thursday involved a late night – there were pictures to print off and some scanning to do. From 12.30 onwards Oll, Graham, and Richard were able to drift off to their respective beds while Jon came upstairs at around 3.45 to be greeted by a bedroom full of black balloons which I was intermittently blowing up for this evening’s festivities. They looked rather like giant grapes festooned around the floor. Anyhow, Jon went to sleep about three quarters of an hour later, and the last time I looked at the clock it was 5.15 am. Not a good time to suffer from the dreaded insomnia methinks.

And yes, many of you may spot that this has been posted after the party! Hmmm, well I went downstairs in the middle of typing this to do something and never really managed to come back up again until now!

I did try…..honest.

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