Saturday, 16 August 2008

Things that go bump in the night

It is 2.15 in the morning and I have decided to make the very noble effort of posting my blog now rather than trying to do it first thing in the morning when not really awake and under the pressure of getting to the hall for the 10.00 am door opening. I may as well as I am still wide awake, although my body is screaming at me to lie down. My feet are aching, but are at least free now from the restriction of shoes.

All in all it has been a very successful evening. Matthew Williams kicked off with a talk on Crop Circles (yes he landed safely), followed by Pollyanna Pickering with her Yeti skull in Bhutan talk, then Richard Ingrams on a talk about The Tunguska Event, and lastly Mike Hallowell on The Tyneside Poltergeist. The latter was the only talk I saw tonight, but it certainly sent a chill down the spine. It didn't help when - as Mike's allotted time slot was nearly up - Jon came through the doors and, I have to admit, made me jump out of my skin! When Mike asked if anyone had any questions, I very nearly put my hand up to ask if anyone else had endured the same fate.

We have three extra inmates tonight - Matthew Williams (who could not make his return journey due to the poor weather conditions) and Jon McGowan and Darren Naish (who were due to sleep under canvas but discovered that they would be half-submerged in sodden earth if they attempted so to do). But it is the CFZ, and in such emergencies we are only too happy to come to the rescue so to speak.

There were two incidents of 'will they make it' when one of our speakers and one of our exhibitors were stuck in bad traffic on various motorways but they all made it in the end we are glad to say - safe and well.

Well, I am off to bed now - I should manage at least 6 hours sleep with any luck!

By the way, I found out afterwards that I was not the only one who had jumped in their seats when Jon made his entrance - well, he does do that to people!

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